Cancellation policy



        If you must cancel your appointment, please notify us at least 3 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time and appointments may be rescheduled with a minimum of 3 hours prior notice, based on availability.



        The spa environment is one of tranquility and relaxation. Please respect the peacefulness and privacy of other spa guests. Kindly defer from smoking and from using your mobile phones within the spa vicinities.













        To ensure availability, please make reservations for your spa services at least 3 hours before your treatment time. Spa treatments may be paid in cash, alipay or wehchat pay only at your convenience and prices are subject to change without prior notification.







        Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled treatment in order to take full advantage of our facilities. As appointment begins promptly at the time scheduled.

Late arrival


        Arriving late will limit the time of your treatments. Your treatments will end on time so that the next guest is not delayed. However, if no guest follows your booking, you can enjoy the full duration of your treatment time.







        For your safety, treatments should not be taken on a full stomach, and will not be rendered to any guest under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Shaving prior to an exfoliation treatment and sunburns prior to any Spa service should be avoided.

Health Consideration


        Please notify the spa receptionist when booking your treatments if you have high blood pressure, allergies, physical disabilities, or are pregnant.







        We will provide you with a bathrobe and slippers, as well as a shower room for you.